Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Finally done my exams and looking back at the semester.  Overall it's been pretty different, since most of the work has been done in groups rather than individually.  OOP344 has been quite a different experience, although it was enjoyable.  It was nice to not have to do all the work of an assignment alone, having it split up in to small parts made in manageable.  One of the weirdest things was the fact that my group never even saw each other and hardly communicated.  But I'm lucky I had a good group where everyone was willing to do work and get in it on time, although we didn't have good time management skills since we usually started our work a day or two before it was due.  But looking at the amount of other groups that changed during the semester it seems that our group was well off compared to the rest.  It was nice only worrying about a small part and only worrying about the rest of the work when group members needed help.  All together although this semester was different, and weird, I enjoyed it.